About the Journal


The journal "Fundamental Linguistics" / "Linguistica Fundamentalis" aims to draw special attention of researchers in linguistics and related fields of knowledge to the theoretical perception of the identified and described features of the world's languages.

Objective and subjects

The journal "Fundamental Linguistics" / "Linguistica Fundamentalis" aims to reflect the latest achievements in language research and its use in various spheres of human activity - from literature and journalism to artificial intelligence and mass consciousness management.

What makes the journal "Fundamental Linguistics" / "Linguistica Fundamentalis" special is its attention to the fundamental basis in describing linguistic and speech phenomena. Nowadays, the general crisis of perception has mainly affected humanitarian and social sciences. It manifests itself in the proclamation of relativism regarding the possibility of obtaining objective information about the reality described in these sciences. The dialectical approach allows predicting how to overcome this crisis - while preserving the conclusions and attitudes that were developed in its process. In the course of that, it is expected to synthetize two principles: obtaining new objective data by using language with new methods, including interdisciplinary ones, and creating new fundamental theories and models aimed at explaining this data by determining their place in human speech activity.

The journal intends to pay special attention to studies that combine these principles to some extent. Articles devoted to the analysis of specific phenomena, including those carried out at the intersection of linguistics and other disciplines, should include moments that allow reaching fundamental scientific attitudes. At the same time, applications for new models of speech activity should explain already known or noted features of language behavior in real conditions.

The journal publishes articles, reviews, overviews, and latest news related to research in general linguistics, description of individual languages or comparison of several languages, as well as those at the intersection of linguistics with such disciplines as cognitive science, psychology, pedagogy, semiotics, artificial intelligence, mathematics, sociology, communicative studies, literary studies, cultural studies, philosophy (including logic, hermeneutics, gnoseology, axiology), history, and others.



CrossRef (DOI)

Main Sections

· Linguistic research

· Language in interdisciplinary research

· History of language

· Philosophy of language

· Methodology of linguistic research

· Teaching language disciplines

· Reviews

· Scientific life

Year of Foundation

2022 год


4 issues per year

Publication Fee and royalties

No publication fee is charged from authors. No royalty is paid.


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education " THE STATE ACADEMIC UNIVERSITY FOR THE HUMANITIES "

Sofia Lvovna Furmanova, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Philology of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education " THE STATE ACADEMIC UNIVERSITY FOR THE HUMANITIES" (Moscow, Russia)


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education " THE STATE ACADEMIC UNIVERSITY FOR THE HUMANITIES". 119049, Moscow, Maronovsky Lane, 26.

Editor-in-Chief – Elena Georgievna Borisova, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Theoretical Linguistics of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education " THE STATE ACADEMIC UNIVERSITY FOR THE HUMANITIES " (Moscow, Russia)

Executive editorSofia Lvovna Furmanova, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Philology of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education " THE STATE ACADEMIC UNIVERSITY FOR THE HUMANITIES " (Moscow, Russia)

The journal considers for publication articles on scientific subjects from the New List of Scientific Specialties of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation :

5.9. Philology (group of scientific specialties):

· 5.9.1. Russian literature and literature of the peoples of the Russian Federation (Philological);

· 5.9.2. Literatures of the peoples of the world (Philological) ;

· 5.9.3. Theory of literature (Philological) ;

· 5.9.4. Folklore Studies (Philological) ;

· 5.9.5. Russian Language. Languages of the Peoples of Russia (Philological);

· 5.9.6. Languages of the Peoples of Foreign Countries (with indication of a specific language or group of languages) (Philological);

· 5.9.8. Theoretical, Applied and Comparative Linguistics (Philological);

· 5.9.9. Media Communication and Journalism (Philological, Philosophical, Sociological).

1.2. Computer Science and Informatics (group of scientific specialties):

· 1.2.1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (Physical and Mathematical).

5.3. Psychology (group of scientific specialties):

· 5.3.4. Pedagogical Psychology, Psychodiagnostics of Digital Educational Environments (Psychological).

5.7. Philosophy (group of scientific specialties):

· 5.7.8. Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophy of Culture (Philosophical, Historical).

5.8. Pedagogy (group of scientific specialties):

· 5.8.2. Theory and Methods of Education and Upbringing (by fields and levels of education) (Pedagogical)

Theory and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages.

5.12. Cognitive Science (group of scientific specialties):

· 5.12.1. Interdisciplinary Studies of Cognitive Processes (Philosophical, Psychological);

· 5.12.3. Interdisciplinary Studies of Language (Philosophical, Philological, Psychological).